Hate Group Head Pamela Geller, Breitbart Label SPLC “Threat To Freedom”
Pamela Geller, the head of a Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) certified hate group has decided to add the SPLC to her new “Threat to Freedom Index.” Geller, who writes the anti-Islam Tea Party radical blog Atlas Shrugs, is also the head of the anti-Islam hate groups, American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA).
Geller, who calls the SPLC an “uber-left communist group,” most recently made national news when it was discovered that she had been in contact with Anders Behring Breivik, aka the Norway Shooter, a right-wing Christian domestic terrorist who shot to death 77 people in Oslo, Norway, and at a youth camp nineteen miles away.
Geller, by the way, stands accused of scrubbing her blog, Atlas Shrugs. Specifically, according to former conservative blogger, Little Green Footballs (LGF) founder Charles Johnson, Geller posted an “Email From Norway†in 2007 that Johnson says “sounds a lot like the Oslo terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik,†and now seems to be removing evidence that she knew of its of its violent rhetoric.
It’s important to note here that the SPLC is “an American nonprofit civil rights organization noted for its legal victories against white supremacist groups; legal representation for victims of hate groups; monitoring of hate groups, militias and extremist organizations; and educational programs that promote tolerance,” according to Wikipedia. In other words, they’re the good guys. “The SPLC classifies as hate groups organizations that denigrate or assault entire groups of people for attributes that are beyond their control.”
“In 1971, Morris Dees and Joseph J. Levin Jr. founded the SPLC as a civil rights law firm based in Montgomery, Alabama. Civil rights leader Julian Bond soon joined Dees and Levin and served as president of the board between 1971 and 1979. The SPLC’s litigating strategy involved filing civil suits for damages on behalf of the victims of hate group harassment, threats, and violence with the goal of financially depleting the responsible groups and individuals. While it originally focused on damages done by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups, throughout the years the SPLC has become involved in other civil rights causes, among them, cases concerned with institutional racial segregation and discrimination, the mistreatment of aliens, and the separation of church and state.”
Readers of The New Civil Rights Movement are very familiar with the good and important work the SPLC does, most-notably, labeling Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council and Bryn Fischer’s American Family Association, along with Peter LaBarbera’s Americans for Truth About Homosexuality as hate groups.
“Geller has seized the role of the anti-Muslim movement’s most visible and influential figurehead.” writes the SPLC. “Her strengths are panache and vivid rhetorical flourishes — not to mention stunts like posing for an anti-Muslim video in a bikini — but she also can be coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam. Geller does not pretend to be learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to SIOA partner Spencer. She is prone to publicizing preposterous claims, such as President Obama being the “love child” of Malcolm X, and once suggested that recent U.S. Supreme Court appointee Elena Kagen, who is Jewish, supports Nazi ideology. Geller has mingled with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists and defended Serbian war criminal Slobodan Milosevic. She is a self-avowed Zionist who is sharply critical of Jewish liberals.”
For her part, Geller, on media-mogul Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website, states, ludicrously, but oddly reminiscent of language used by the SPLC itself,
“Freedom is more embattled in America today than ever. My group, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has begun tracking the activities of numerous active groups that are threats to freedom in the United States today on our Threats to Freedom Index. We plan to augment it periodically and publish it annually.
“All Threat to Freedom groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign American Constitutional freedoms and/or lawful initiatives for American self-defense.”
“Threat to Freedom group activities can include misrepresentation of anti-terror and other law enforcement initiatives, attempts to restrict the freedom of speech regarding Islamic jihad or other threats to freedom, defamation of freedom fighters, disinformation campaigns in the mainstream media regarding attempts by the U.S. and Israel to defend themselves, and more.”
In other words, the SPLC was mean to me.
(Image: Facebook)
(Hat tip: Little Green Footballs)
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