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Professional Homosexual Hater Attacks Beck, Says “Gays Will Come To Get Us”



Peter. LaBarbera.

I probably could make this a two-word post, just leaving it at that, and you’d have enough information. But for those of you who have yet to have the “pleasure” of Mr. LaBarbera’s “thoughts,” let me introduce him to you.

From his website: “Peter LaBarbera, 47, is president of Americans For Truth (about Homosexuality, or AFTAH), a group dedicated to exposing the homosexual activist agenda. Founded as a part-time venture in 1996 but reorganized in August 2006, AFTAH seeks to apply the same single-minded determination to opposing the radical homosexual agenda and standing for God-ordained sexuality and the natural family as countless homosexual groups do in promoting their harmful agenda.”


If that weren’t enough, try this, from Truth Wins Out founder Wayne Besen, who a few days ago in The Huffington Post, wrote, “A few years ago, I dubbed LaBarbera “Porno Pete” because of his bizarre fascination with naughty gay magazines and his penchant to go “undercover” at leather events and photograph naked men. It seems the sodomy-obsessed LaBarbera’s strategy is for anti-gay activists to talk explicitly about gay sex and why it is an unbecoming, immoral “behavior” that undermines society.”


Now, let me share with you a few of the more “choice” words LaBarbera had to say to Glenn Beck and, well, everyone, today, in his op-ed, “Why Glenn Beck Is Wrong about Legalizing Homosexual ‘Marriage’.”

And then let me counter his asinine thoughts with a dose of reality and truth.

Peter LaBarbera (just typing his name makes my skin crawl) is angry with Glenn Beck, who recently told his fellow Fox co-worker, Bill O’Reilly, that marriage equality (“gay marriage,”) is not a serious threat to America.

Remember? Watch:

By the way, listen to Bill O’Reilly make that oh-so-close slippery-slope statement that almost blames same-sex marriage for what Beck describes as, “the country burning down.” Oh, and, I’m sorry, Canada. Glenn Beck now has a big problem with you.

OK. So, now back to Peter LaBarbera.

Actually, this first: Why does LaBarbera feel the need to use the word, “homosexual” forty-four times in his piece?

Here’s a sampling:

homosexual “marriage”

federalized homosexual “marriage”

homosexual activism

homosexual Judge

homosexual ‘unions’

Pro-Homosexual Propaganda Centers

homosexual teachers

homosexual relationships

homosexual-”marriage” states

homosexual practice

homosexual-led households

homosexual Scoutmasters

pro-homosexual activism

homosexualist “rights”

pro-homosexualist ideology

homosexual activist attorneys

homosexual legal “rights”

Get the idea that Labarbera has a lot of homosexuality on his mind?…

Now, to the actual “article.”

LaBarbera says, “federalized homosexual “marriage” would override the documented will of the people in the 31 states that have already voted…”


Marriage is a civil right. The Supreme Court has said so. Now, Judge Walker has said so. Civil rights are federal, not state. (The FBI, for instance, investigates civil rights violations.) That one state or thirty-one states have voted against it means nothing. It was not something that should have been up for a vote in the first place.

Oh, and by the way, I’ll remind you that when interracial marriage was deemed “legal,” only 20% of America supported it. The “states rights” thing didn’t work then, it didn’t work when we had slavery, it doesn’t work now.

Perhaps we should have a vote on other rights? Should we vote on, say, if conservative bigots should have the right to spread their hate across America? Should we vote on allowing Peter LaBarbera to continue to spread his falsehoods without consequence?

LaBarbera’s next “point”:

“Legalized homosexual “marriage” will force businessmen and -women to subsidize homosexual relationships even if they rightly believe that those relationships are immoral and deviant.”

Really? I’m pretty sure that as a tax-paying citizen, along with thirty million or so other members of the LGBTQ community, we’ve been subsidizing heterosexual marriage for centuries. We pay taxes that support the 1138 federal benefits that opposite-sex couples enjoy that we cannot. We also pay taxes for things like schools — gladly, I might add — that up until recently we rarely had children to send to.

The gay community had been “subsidizing” the straight community for centuries. It’s time for some payback — in the form of simple equality.

LaBarbera continues, “A businessman who provides marital benefits to his employees could not choose which “marriages” (normal or counterfeit-”gay”) merit company support and which do not — even if he strongly disagrees with homosexual ‘unions’ as a violation of the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, to quote our Declaration of Independence. ”

That’s right, Peter. Just as a businessman who provides marital benefits to his employees cannot choose which marriages, say, interracial, black, white, Asian… to support. It’s a little thing called “equality,” and it’s the very foundation of America. To quote our Declaration of Independence.

LaBarbera writes, “Legalized homosexual “marriage”… turns America’s schools into Pro-Homosexual Propaganda Centers – an evil on a par with legalizing the killing of innocent, unborn children in the womb in the name of “choice” and “reproductive rights.”

Wow. I’m not even going to touch that.

Yes, I am.

So, Peter, same-sex marriage is equal to abortion, and, to your mind, murder?


What do you think? Is same-sex marriage akin to murder? How very “Christian” (not!) of you. Isn’t saying same-sex marriage is akin to murder disgusting?

Now, and I’ve said this before, the thing I love about these far-right-wing radical bigots is that they actually think their positions and opinions are so valid, so correct, so true, that other people must believe them also.

Maggie Gallagher is the queen of saying such bigoted things and never realizing what it sounds like.

Here are a few of Peter’s crazy “issues”:

“Picture a lesbian teacher putting the photo of her and her female parter — or maybe the celebratory photo of them kissing after their “marriage” ceremony — on her desk in front of the class.”

Um, I’ve never had a teacher put a photo of their wedding on their desk, but so what?

“In homosexual-”marriage” states, school textbooks will be re-written to validate homosexual “marriages” as the real deal — and the winning “gay marriage” would be portrayed as a genuine civil rights achievement.”

Um, yes, and your point would be?…

“[E]ven very young students would be taught that those who fought the “gay” civil rights movement — culminating in its greatest prize, “marriage equality” — are the modern-day equivalents of Americans who fought against racial reconciliation and true civil rights.”

Um, yes, and your point would be?…

“The law is a teacher and unfortunately the lesson here is that Americans of faith who agree with God against homosexual “marriage” are small-minded, intolerant bigots who “hate gay people.”

Um, yes, and your point would be?…

I’ll leave you with this last “point” from LaBarbera:

“Finally: yes, Glenn, the “gays” — read: driven and well-funded homosexual activists — will “come to get us,” in one important sense (see Beck’s comment to FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly). If history is a guide, homosexual activists will absolutely set their sights on demonizing churches that refuse to marry same-sex couples (a saccharine term I avoid; these are not normal “couples” but people practicing perversion together). Here Mr. Beck, reportedly a Mormon, displays astonishing naivete, particularly for someone in the conservative information business.”

This is a lie, and you, Peter, I believe are a liar.

“Homosexual activists,” as you call us, want nothing to do with religious institutions. We’re not going to try to force them to do or not do anything. And we cannot. That little thing called “separation of church and state,” which you, Peter, and your conservative nincompoops hate so much, actually would protect churches and other houses of worship from “homosexual activists” — or anyone else — who tried to “force” marriage equality on anyone.

So, Peter, how does it feel to be the last vestige of a dying hate, of bigotry and intensely un-American activities?

I guess you know what those who opposed interracial marriage, or the end of slavery, or women’s suffrage, must have felt like as they saw their lives crumble on the wrong side of history.

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‘Will Be Big’: Trump Faces Dangerous Warning Signs Ahead of Address to Congress



As President Donald Trump prepares to deliver his second Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday night, he faces a barrage of warning signs from all sides. Public polls show declining approval, congressional town halls are boiling over with frustration, nationwide protests continue to mount, and economic reports paint a troubling picture. Internationally, his Oval Office attack on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has sparked a global wave of support for Ukraine. At home, federal judges have repeatedly struck down his executive orders as unlawful, unconstitutional, and overreaching. Meanwhile, Elon Musk and his widely unpopular “Department of Government Efficiency” are adding to the administration’s troubles, and deepening fractures within Trump’s own party threaten to undermine his agenda.

Trump is also facing a high bar — one he himself set: nearly 48 million people watched his first Address to a Joint Session of Congress eight years ago.

Apparently aware of the stakes, Trump on Monday, in an all-caps post declared, “Tomorrow night will be big. I will tell it like it is!” And appearing to want to tamp down the viral videos of town halls across the nation being inundated with — often Republican — voters blasting their Republican members of Congress, Trump wrote: “Paid ‘troublemakers’ are attending Republican Town Hall Meetings. It is all part of the game for the Democrats, but just like our big LANDSLIDE ELECTION, it’s not going to work for them!”

(There was no “landslide election” — Trump won by a mere 1.5 percentage points, in one of the smallest popular vote margins in modern history. According to numbers from The American Presidency Project, Trump’s “mandate” ranks 32nd out of 51 elections.)


Signs are pointing to an imminent recession — something President Joe Biden never had.

“The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s running forecast for first-quarter gross domestic product slid again on Monday,” Barron’s reported. “The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow estimate now calls for a first-quarter GDP decline of 2.8%, down from a decline of 1.5% on Friday. As recently as Feb. 19, GDPNow predicted growth of 2.3%.”

That means that there economy under President Trump is expected to contract. Earlier Monday, citing a contraction, Barron’s also reported that “it boils down to expectations that President Donald Trump’s plans to introduce tariffs will push imports way down, and the difference between exports and imports is a key part of the GDP calculator.”

President Trump campaigned on lowering the cost of “groceries” — a word he very proudly used repeatedly — on his first day. That has not come to pass, and Americans are angry about it.

Reporting that Trump’s approval rating is already falling and could “collapse” over inflation, New York magazine’s “Intelligencer” notes that “by far Trump’s greatest vulnerability is over his management of an economy where renewed signs of inflation are evident, and where his policies, once implemented, could make conditions worse.”

The Intelligencer’s Ed Kilgore writes that a Reuters-Ipsos poll “found that only 32 percent of respondents gave Trump a positive assessment on his handling of inflation. A mid-February Gallup survey found 54 percent of Americans disapproving Trump’s handling of the economy and 53 percent disapproving his handling of foreign trade. A February 24 American Research Group poll found 38 percent of registered voters approved of Trump’s handling of the economy and 57 percent disapprove, with this more specific data point: ‘Unprompted, voters disapproving of Trump’s handling of the economy complain that Trump has not reduced grocery, gasoline, and/or energy prices as he promised during the campaign.'”

On Monday, the financial markets reacted to Trump’s affirmation that his announced tariffs on Canada and Mexico will go into effect at midnight, tariffs that are being described as “one of the most self destructive economic policy steps in recent history.” The DOW plummeted nearly 700 points (1.58%), after dropping over 800 points in the hours before trading ended. The tech-heavy NASDAQ did even worse, dropping almost 500 points, or, 2.61%. CNBC reported the S&P posted its “biggest loss since December,” after Trump’s tariffs message.


A CBS News/YouGov poll that dropped on Sunday was also damning.

56% said things are going “badly” under Trump.

The issues that voters think Trump is focusing on the most (the border, tariffs, and the federal workforce/DOGE) are dramatically different from those they want him to focus on (the economy, inflation, government spending.)

Worse, the majority of respondents believe Trump’s policies are “making the price you pay for food go up.”

They are likely correct.

Trump’s tariffs are widely expected to dramatically increase to price of food. But instead of acknowledging that fact, Trump Monday afternoon gleefully declared, “To the Great Farmers of the United States: Get ready to start making a lot of agricultural product to be sold INSIDE of the United States. Tariffs will go on external product on April 2nd. Have fun!”

According to the USDA in January, “Imports play an increasingly important role in ensuring that fresh fruit and vegetables are available year-round in the United States.” Through 2023, “the percent of U.S. fresh fruit and vegetable availability supplied by imports grew from 50 percent to 59 percent for fresh fruit and from 20 percent to 35 percent for fresh vegetables.”

On another topic, the CBS/YouGov poll found that the vast majority of Americans (78%) want the U.S. to stay in NATO — something Trump has suggested he opposes. Elon Musk has stated outright he thinks the U.S. should pull out of NATO, and the United Nations.

“Senior White House adviser Elon Musk said on Saturday that he believes the United States should leave the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—two of the world’s most important intergovernmental bodies,” The Daily Beast reported.


One other warning sign: President Trump may face is a decidedly less-packed house.

Some, including The Nation‘s Elie Mystal, are calling for Democrats to boycott Trump’s address.

Several Democrats have already announced they are. U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) says he will host a town hall instead of attending.

So has U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), who told CNN Trump’s address will be a “farce” during which he will “spew a series of lies.”

“We have to fight every single day. Every single day,” Murphy declared. Republicans flood the zone, Democrats have to flood the zone. They flood the zone with lies, we flood the zone with truth.”

Watch the video below or at this link.

Image: Trump 2020 State of the Union address/via Wikimedia Commons


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White House Is Demanding ‘Explicit’ On-Camera ‘Public Apology’ From Zelenskyy: Report



The White House is reportedly demanding a public apology from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, stating that President Donald Trump’s coveted minerals deal will not proceed without one. Zelenskyy has opposed the proposed “rare earth” agreement, arguing early on that it did not benefit Ukraine, and lacked security guarantees. Instead, President Donald Trump views the deal as a means of settling what he perceives as a debt Ukraine owes the United States for the approximately $175 billion in aid provided to support its defense against Russia’s illegal invasion.

Fox News’s White House correspondent Peter Doocy reported Monday afternoon (video below), “I have been told by senior officials here that nothing’s gonna happen with this minerals deal unless Zelenskyy goes in front of cameras and makes an explicit public apology for the way that he behaved himself, behaved in the Oval Office with that meeting.”

On Friday, to the world’s shock, Trump and Vice President JD Vance berated Zelenskyy on-camera in what she called an “attempted mugging,” falsely accusing him of being ungrateful and insufficiently appreciative of all the United States had given his country — which was actually done under their predecessors, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, although that fact was never raised.

RELATED: World Leaders Rush to Support Zelenskyy as Americans Debate Trump’s Allegiance

Little more than one week ago, The Guardian reported that “shortly before Trump called him ‘a dictator’, Zelenskyy said he could not ‘sell Ukraine away.’ He was willing to work on ‘a serious document,’ he said, which ensured Russia did not attack Ukraine again.”

“Commentators,” The Guardian report added, “have described Trump’s aggressive ultimatum as ‘mafia imperialism,’ a ‘colonial agreement,’ and reminiscent of what the Europeans did in the 18th century when they carved up Africa.

“’It’s as if we lost the war to America. This looks to me like reparations,’ Volodymyr Landa, a senior economist at the Centre for Economic Strategy thinktank in Kyiv, said.”

One elderly Ukrainian ice fisherman told The Guardian, “What Trump suggests is blackmail.”

Critics are again blasting the Trump administration.

“Reminder that the minerals deal is *itself* the prize we’re extracting from Ukraine,” reported The Bulwark’s Andrew Egger. “But of course ‘America First’ really means ‘Trump First,’ so the president’s ego must be assuaged before anything else can happen.”

READ MORE: ‘Considering What We Are Facing’: US Cyber Defense Halt Against Russia Stuns Republican

“Big surprise,” remarked NYU professor of history Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a scholar on fascism and authoritarian leaders, “this is part of the authoritarian bullying and ritual humiliation playbooks.”

CNN’s Edward-Isaac Dovere says that “What Trump is demanding to sign [is] an agreement providing access to Ukraine’s minerals in exchange for standing in Putin’s way.”

Watch the video below or at this link.

RELATED: Kremlin Will ‘Celebrate’: Trump Berates Zelenskyy in Televised Oval Office ‘Ambush’

Image via Reuters 

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‘Considering What We Are Facing’: US Cyber Defense Halt Against Russia Stuns Republican



A prominent Republican congressman, the former House Intelligence Committee chair, appeared shocked on national television when he learned that U.S. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has ordered a top Pentagon agency, U.S. Cyber Command, to suspend operations and planning against Russia’s cyber offensives.

Secretary Hegseth’s “stand down” order, while allegedly temporary, is expected to “last for the foreseeable future,” according to The Record, a cybersecurity news site which first reported the news.

CNN reported that a senior U.S. official called Hegseth’s order “a major blow.”

According to the network, “planning for such operations takes time and research to carry out. The concern, the official said, is that the pause on offensive cyber operations against Russia will make the U.S. more vulnerable to potential cyberattacks from Moscow, which has a formidable cadre of hackers capable of disrupting U.S. critical infrastructure and collecting sensitive intelligence.”

READ MORE: World Leaders Rush to Support Zelenskyy as Americans Debate Trump’s Allegiance

The development has received widespread coverage over the weekend.

“Russia is not a significant cyber threat to the U.S. anymore, Trump’s new Defense Secretary says,” the science and technology website Gizmodo reported. “The policy shift represents a complete 180-degree turn from America’s posture over the past decade, which has consistently considered Russia one of the top cybersecurity threats. Credible reporting and government investigations have shown that Russia has hacked into U.S. systems countless times.”

Experts were also stunned.

Veteran cyber expert James Lewis, formerly of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said “it’s delusional to think” the stand down order “will turn Russia and the FSB [the Russian security agency] into our friends,” The Guardian reported. “They hate the U.S. and are still mad about losing the cold war. Pretending otherwise won’t change this.”

The order appears to extend past the Department of Defense, suggesting it may have originated at the highest levels of the executive branch.

Analysts at the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) received a new priorities directive that included China, but not Russia, The Guardian also reported. One source “said analysts at the agency were verbally informed that they were not to follow or report on Russian threats, even though this had previously been a main focus for the agency.”

“Russia and China are our biggest adversaries,” that source said. “With all the cuts being made to different agencies, a lot of cybersecurity personnel have been fired. Our systems are not going to be protected and our adversaries know this.”

READ MORE: ‘What the Hell Is This?’: GOP Group’s Andrew Tate Invitation Draws Bipartisan Outrage

“People are saying Russia is winning,” they added. “Putin is on the inside now.”

U.S. Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) has decades of defense experience in Congress, having served on several committees on the armed forces and veterans affairs, and as Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence until January—when Speaker Mike Johnson unexpectedly removed him from that critical position. He is a strong supporter of Ukraine and opposes Russia.

At the time of his removal, The Bulwark’s Bill Kristol remarked, “If you’re going to sell out Ukraine to Putin, makes sense to get Turner out of the way first.”

Last year, Turner was also one of a few House Republicans who “were warning about how elements of their party had been infected by Russian propaganda,” The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake noted on Monday. (Video of Turner from last year here.) Turner, he added, “was removed 7 months later as chair of the House intel committee.”

In February 2024, Turner issued a “national security threat” warning on Russia’s activities in space so dire that President Biden’s National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby was forced to deliver a statement from the White House press briefing room.

On Sunday’s “Face the Nation,” CBS News’ Margaret Brennan told Congressman Turner (video below), that “CBS has confirmed these reports that Defense Secretary Hegseth has ordered U.S. Cyber Command to temporarily halt cyber operations and planning against Russia. The Washington Post reports that that’s as long as the negotiations continue. There are no negotiations under way. Does this concern you? Have you been briefed on this?”

A stunned and stammering Rep. Turner delivered his response.

“I can’t – I don’t – no, I’m not – unaware of that. And I don’t believe that that would be – there are too many, I’m certain, considerations there for that to be an accurate statement, so blanket,” he said, according to the official CBS transcript.

“But they have ordered Cyber Command to halt cyber operations,” Brennan reiterated.

“Considering what I know that – that – considering what I know what – what Russia is currently doing against the United States, that would, I’m certain, not be an accurate statement of the current status of the United States’ operations,” Turner insisted, despite multiple news reports confirming the stand down order.

“I’m confident, considering what Russia is currently doing against the United States, that the United States, the status against Russia would not be that, considering what we are facing from Russia operations,” Turner added.

Watch the video below or at this link.

READ MORE: ‘Did I Say That? I Can’t Believe I Said That’: Trump’s Remarks Again Fuel Memory Questions



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