…And Why are You Sticking Your Nose In Our Country’s Politics?
Maggie Gallagher, the Chairman of the National Organization For (Straight) Marriage (NOM) released a statement to the people of Argentina before yesterday’s historic gay marriage vote. They, apparently, released a statement back to her, ushering in marriage equality, and, essentially asking the very unknown activist and bigot, “Maggie who?”
Here’s Maggie’s statement, which, only later, she realized she needed to have translated into Spanish…
“What you are doing this day is an extraordinary service, not only to your own country, but to others in South America and the world. We applaud your courage in standing up for the truth about marriage. Marriage is the union of husband and wife, because these are the only kind of unions that can make new life and connect those children in love to their mother and their father. This is not bigotry. This is not hatred. This is common sense, and concern for the common good. Congratulations on refusing to stand by and permit a small unrepresentative elite transform marriage in Argentina. The eyes of the world are upon you. You inspire many.”
I won’t bother dissecting the bigotry (yes it is!) or the hatred (yes it is!) because I know you see it as clearly as do I.
But seriously!
Who the hell does Maggie Gallagher think she is to speak (in ENGLISH, no less!) to the people of Argentina. As if they would listen, or care!
Arrogance, thy name is Maggie Gallagher…