David Schuster Smacks Down NOM’s Brian Brown

Brown Continues To Spew Lies HRC Already Proved False



Wow. Where do you even start?

Brian Brown continues down the slippery slope type of argument of “Oh no! Gay marriage will force religious institutions out of business,” and, “Oh no! Gay marriage will force religious people to not be able to practice their religion anymore”. Stupid, false arguments. Just as I said about the Hate Crimes Bill, if your religious leader leads you to commit a crime, perhaps you’re in the wrong house of worship. If the legalization of gay marriage truly hinders someone’s ability to practice their religion, perhaps they don’t truly understand their religion, and perhaps their religious leaders aren’t teaching the real tenets of their religion.

Schuster calls Brown on his use of half-quotes and half-truths.

Watch the video:

After watching Brian Brown’s lie-fest, head over to HRC and read the real facts. And then, head over to NOM and tell Mr. Brown that he needs some new material, and  what you really think of his opinion.

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