Era detergent, far from a controversial product, has waded into the culture wars big time, with a re-newed ad campaign from 2011 that boasts a “Chuck Norris Approved” seal. Era’s Chuck Norris ads are now running in major markets. You know who else is “Chuck Norris Approved”? Mike Huckabee, the Southern Baptist Minister and former presidential candidate who spent the past month actually defending Congressman Todd “legitimate rape” Akin, and who called anti-gay Americans to action by chowing down on Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwiches to show their hatred of gay marriage, in partnership with anti-gay hate groups.
Chuck and Huck, by the way, are a perfect match. Norris and his wife Gena just recorded a video, promoted by the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, urging the 30 million Evangelical Americans whom, they claim, didn’t vote in 2008, to vote against Barack Obama, lest America face “1000 years of darkness.†No, seriously, they said that.
“We can no sit quietly or stand on the sidelines and watch our country go the way of socialism, or something much worse,” adds Chuck, a radical conservative, fear-mongers, in his video released last week.
Norris is so anti-gay he’s even supported the Boy Scouts kicking gay children out of Scouting. Norris, by the way, is also a columnist at World Net Daily, which is the anti-Obama home for the Birther movement.
Era is owned by Proctor & Gamble (NYSE:PG), manufacturers of iconic American home, health, and beauty products, from Swiffer and Tampax to Crest and Charmin. Why P&G, a 175-year old corporation with annual sales of $83 billion, would want to take a stand by supporting an active anti-gay religious radical is surprising, and why P&G would want to renew the “Chuck Norris Approved” Era detergent ad campaign — and run it immediately after the close of the Democratic National Convention — makes clear they’re pandering for the anti-gay, anti-immigrant, radical religious right vote.
Apparently, consumers agree. Era Detergent’s Facebook page has many comments by consumers angered by the Chuck Norris endorsement:
“If you want a homophobic, racist, misogynist to hawk your soap, thats your choice, but I ain’t buyin’ it!!”
“Wow, glad to know your product is “Chuck Norris approved”. Now, I won’t waste any more of my money on a product endorsed by a vicious, homophobic, hatemongering, violence promoting, theocratic fascist Republican. I’m sure the rest of the bottle I have will clean my garbage can nicely.”
“Chuck Norris approved? You just lost my business.”
“If Era is “Chuck Norris” approved, will the detergent go down with the rest of us for 1000 years when Obama is reelected or will it have the blessing of Mr. Norris? Wouldn’t buy Era either way – just asking.”
“Chuck Norris to promote ERA??? really, you are going to use a guy who promotes hate and discrimination to sell your product? Any one who believes in only ‘allowing’ rights to be given to ‘certain’ people instead of all people is clearly UN-American and I won’t be using your product. And before, anyone says that we all stood behind Ellen, she wasn’t spreading hate!”
“ERA has decided to use Chuck Norris to promote its product. Seriously, the man is a raving lunatic. No more ERA for me!!!”
“I just saw your commercial on Morning Joe, and noticed your “Chuck Norris Approved” seal. I really like ERA and bought it regularly, but this really turns me off. Please don’t give Chuck Norris any more money.”
“I’m boycotting ERA because Chuck Norris!”
In an era (no pun intended) when everything and every choice consumers make is political, from coffee to chicken to search engines to computers to restaurants, why would anyone make the choice to buy into anti-gay hate?