National Same-Sex Kiss Day To Protest Chick-Fil-A Announced

A National Same-Sex Kiss Day At Chick-Fil-A has been announced for just two days after Mike Hiuckabee‘s National Eat at Chick-fil-A Day. Carly McGehee announced the kiss-in via Facebook.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock this week you’ll have noticed that Chick Fil A has officially come out against the LGBTQ community. (For those of you who have been living under a rock, or just want to read it again, here’s the article,0,5713061.story)

In honor of their support for love, equality, and the real definition of family, we’re holding a NATIONAL Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick Fil A’s around the country. So grab a friend (or 20) and head out to your nearest Chick Fil A! And don’t forget to post photos/videos of it here! For all the world to see!

Follow us on twitter! @ntlsamesexkiss

Seems people are very passionate about Chick-Fil-A, and both Huckabee’s event hand this one are drawing a great deal of attention.

August is shaping up to be an exciting week for the folks at Chick-Fil-A.

As the creator and co-founder of 2009’s Great Nationwide Kiss-In, I’d like to offer my endorsement of this action.

Sign up, tell for friends!

Final note: It’s I’m portent that we not let the message be twisted by the right. Chick-Fil-A isn’t being attacked just because their president says they adhere to biblical values. They’re under intense scrutiny because they’ve donated $5 million to anti-gay organizations and certified hate groups that are actively working to deny LGBT people their civil rights.

It’s one thing to be for or against something. It’s another to drop $5 million to deny an entire class of citizens their rights.

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