Michele Bachmann: Same-Sex Marriage Is ‘Not An Issue Anymore’

Has Rep. Michele Bachmann changed her views on same-sex marriage? Was she just anti-gay to get a seat in Congress? 

At today’s Values Voters Summit — a three day anti-gay hate fest for conservatives — Michele Bachmann reportedly told Michelangelo Signorile that same-sex marriage is “not an issue anymore,” and that it’s “boring.”

Bachmann, of course, spent eight years in Congress growing increasingly radical and religious. She got into Congress by walking on the backs of the LGBT community.

Now, it’s not even an issue for her?

LOOK: Michele Bachmann’s Top Ten Anti-Gay Quotes

Lest you doubt the source, Signorile is a veteran journalist, hosts his long-time SiriusXM radio show now on their Progressive channel, and is also editor-at-large for The Huffington Post’s Gay Voices section. 

Do you believe she really believes that?


Image: YouTube

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