Jesus Will Be Carrying an AR-15: Religious Right Leaders Claim Americans Have a ‘Biblical’ Right to Carry Guns

Supposedly pro-life far right wing Christian leaders are using the Bible and Jesus to claim Americans not only have a right to guns – and even assault weapons – but some insist every adult has an obligation to carry an AR-15.

Right Wing Watch has put together a mashup of leaders from the Christian Right telling Americans Jesus wants them to have guns. The video shows “a pattern of the Religious Right’s attempts to rewrite American history and reinterpret the Bible to argue that not only the Constitution but God Himself requires unrestricted access to weapons of war.”

Here are some of the religious right’s most extreme, like Gordon Klingenschmitt, claiming the Bible says “all the citizens ought to be armed so they can defend themselves against left wing crazies.” And David Barton, claiming  the Founding Fathers called the right to keeping bear arms, “the biblical right of self defense.”

Then there’s the Family Research Council’s Jerry Boykin saying when Jesus returns he’ll be carrying an AR-15. That’s similar to Christian pastor Chuck Baldwin, who said it’s a “Biblical requirement” that every American adult (and even some younger than 18) own an AR-15 or similar assault-style weapon.

Even the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre says the right to bear arms (an unrestricted right, he believes) was “granted by God to all Americans as our American birthright.”

The religious right has in filtrated the Trump White House. There will be no gun control while he is President.

Watch below:


Categories: GUNS FOR JESUS
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