Franklin Graham Calls for School Boards to Be Majority Christian to Stop LGBT ‘Agenda to Indoctrinate’

Franklin Graham is calling for Christians to run for their local school boards to prevent what he says is LGBT indoctrination. The 65-year old Christian evangelical activist made his stunning remarks in response to a Fox News story that claims a Pennsylvania school board showed what parents are calling bullying “LGBT advocacy” videos.

But educators and officials explained that the videos are not “bullying,” they are anti-bullying.

“Parents in the East Penn School District are up in arms—and rightly so—about being told they can’t see videos that their children were shown without their permission,” Graham wrote on Facebook.

“We need Christian men and women running for school boards,” he said. “If the majority of the school board were Christians, this wouldn’t be an issue.”

Graham went on to claim the videos were “about homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and ‘gender fluidity’,” and “parents weren’t even notified!”

Graham apparently was astonished that the existence of LGBT people was not kept secret.

“The school district said it was all part of Unity Week, but parents are concerned that it is part of an agenda to indoctrinate young people and normalize lifestyles that go against what God teaches in His Word.”

Schools are specifically not allowed to teach “God’s word.”

“Parental rights are being ignored here,” Graham claimed, falsely. Courts have ruled parents do not have the right to be informed of every aspect of their children’s schooling.

Some in the LGBT community are pushing back.

“Graham  is so typical of the self-righteous homophobia which permeates conservative  right-wing evangelical circles,” Holy Bullies author Alvin McEwen writes. “He sees the words ‘LGBT’ and automatically thinks of sex or ‘recruitment.'”

McEwen notes that “perhaps the idea that Graham is angry that the school district is attempting to keep LGBTQ kids safe from bullying isn’t that farfetched to contemplate.”


Image via Facebook

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