Mark Judge Refuses to Testify

Mark Judge has just stated he will not testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Judge is the man who was named as the only witness by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford to what she says is sexual assault and attempted rape by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“I have no memory of this alleged incident,” Judge says in a letter via his attorney, to Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein.

Democrats have been urging Republicans to have Judge testify on Monday.

His letter (a copy below) also says, “I did not ask to be involved in this matter nor did anyone ask me to be involved.” And he adds, “I do not recall the party described in Dr. Ford’s letter.”

But Judge’s denials hold less weight than when they are made under oath – and under threat of the penalty of perjury.

While Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have scheduled a hearing for Monday, they did so before asking Dr. Blasey Ford. She has yet to agree to appear before the Committee.

Judge appears to have deleted his Twitter account recently.


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