Chick-Fil-A: Just When You Thought The Battle Had Flamed Out…
While we here at The New Civil Rights Movement never did an official postmortem look at the whole Chick-Fil-A brouhaha, we certainly have covered the issue more (dozens upon dozens of articles) — and more in-depth — than any other site, including a piece I wrote that went viral over at The Huffington Post.
Americans, sadly, have a bothersomely quick habit of forgetting — and fast.
So, let me let you know that NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is not forgetting, and neither are the other anti-gay organizations and hate groups.
You see, the right finally found something they think unites them more than “liberty,” “religious freedom,” or even their shared hatred of “Barack Hussein Obama.” No, it’s not racism, although I wouldn’t yet rule that out in the radical right wings. It’s “chikin’.”
NOM just moments ago announced they’re extending the Mike Huckabee inspired Support Chick-Fil-A Day into “Chick-Fil-A Wednesdays.” Of course, all they’re trying to do is jump on the bandwagon — and they’re literally attaching their logo to the Chick-Fil-A icon, which, if Chick-Fil-A wanted to sue they’d probably have a good case. But they won’t — which, tacitly, is an endorsement.
Because of the groundbreaking significance of Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day—and because the attacks on Dan Cathy and his freedom to speak out in defense of marriage aren’t going away—we’re calling on all supporters of marriage, free speech and religious liberty to make every Wednesday a “Chick-fil-A Wednesday!“
So writes NOM President Brian Brown in his latest fundraising email. Keeping the dream of white anti-gay nationalism.
Brown and American Family Association hater Bryan Fischer are looking at their Chick-Fil-A success as an indication that all the people who came out to show their bigotry and hate for the price of a piece of chicken and a few waffle fries will stand in lines equally long in November to cast their vote for a man they can barely stomach. Yes, the gratification of voting for Mitt Romney is just as good as a Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich. or so the anti-gay radicals are hoping.
By the way, last week I was invited to talk about Chick-Fil-A with civil rights attorney and former New York City council candidate Yetta Kurland, on her progressive radio show, along with Marriage Equality USA‘s Cathy Merino-Thomas.
If you’re looking to hear some thoughts about Chick-Fil-A you hadn’t heard before, have a listen. Our segment starts about halfway in.
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