Conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt interviewed Bill Donohue yesterday, and destroyed him on-air. Is this the beginning of the end of the Catholic League?
We all know the head of the Catholic League, Bill Donohue, the man who has made a career out of homophobia and anti-Semitism. We all know...
Catholic League head Bill Donohue says “everyone knows in their right mind the whole purpose of marriage is to have a family. It’s not about making...
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, issued a statement yesterday defending Father Benedict Groeschel, who earlier this week blamed child victims of pedophile priests for their...
Say what you will, say it’s just an ad, but maybe, using Bill Donohue “logic,” maybe it’s a subliminal act of support for the Emmy award...
Admitting that the very essence of a work of  art “went right over my head,” Catholic League President Bill Donohue today responded to “Piss Chirst” by...
Catholic League president Bill Donohue, who is always attacking someone — usually liberals or Democrats, or gays, or pro-gay liberal Democrats — yesterday went on Fox...
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, last night in a debate with new HRC head Chad Griffin told  CNN’s Piers Morgan, “I want the law...
In a recent Catholic League press release, the pathological gay basher Bill Donohue once again sought to stigmatize all gay human beings. The main topic of the...
Catholic League president Bill Donohue told reporters he won’t be attending the Saturday wedding of New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, because  it’s not a...
Andrew Breitbart, the right wing extremist posing as a media mogul, actually got someone fired who deserved it. Instead of Shirley Sherrod or hundreds of thousands...
Catholic League President Bill Donohue is really, really mad at Time magazine and author Bill Saporito for a blog post Monday that compared Standard and Poor’s...
A Catholic lobbying organization with close ties to the Catholic Church in America has just issued an attack on President-elect Joe Biden. The Catholic League says...
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, floats an olive branch to the religious extremists responsible for the murder of 12 people in Paris at the...
The Catholic League will boycott next year's St. Patrick's Day Parade, but claims the ban on gay groups being dropped has nothing to do with their...