var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; After years on controversy and pleas from many western governments — including the U.S. — for a veto, president Yoweri Museveni a...
Eleanor Roosevelt’s biographer says if she were alive today she would celebrate the  advancement of the LGBT, economic and social human rights movements globally Today marks...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Ricky Martin will be discussing homophobia and “combatting violence and discrimination against LGBT persons” with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, LGBT Human Rights...
Please read Troy Davis and Jamey Rodemeyer: By A Jury Of Our Peers: Part I. This is part II. 3 I am Troy Davis, I am Jamey Rodemeyer....
“Week in Review” is a new addition to the New Civil Rights Movement by Tanya Domi, which presents a review of top news throughout the world and...
Two weeks ago, African nations led a charge successfully removing “sexual orientation†from a United Nations resolution protecting persons from extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. Now,...
“Amazon: Building Earth’s Most Customer-Centric Companyâ€?  Shocking. As the news spread throughout the Internet yesterday, especially on social networking sites like Twitter, the anger and...
“Focus On The Family” Book #1 Search Result  So, at this point we know Amazon claims some guy in France was accidently responsible for the...