Decision Comes in Response to New Civil Rights Movement Story
Fair Michigan gets the approval to collect signatures for a ballot initiative that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender, gender identity, sex or sexual...
Lawmakers in Michigan would like state-funded adoption agencies to have the "right" to refuse to let LGBT people adopt, for religious reasons. What will the governor...
The Michigan House just passed three bill that would encode anti-LGBT discrimination into adoption law.
Originally issued earlier this week with 17 signatories, a letter offering support to the family of Michael Brown has grown dramatically. Read the full letter and...
Lead, follow, or get out of the way. A federal judge yesterday was expected to hear and rule on a same-sex marriage and adoption case that...
Dave Agema is back in the national spotlight, and he hasn’t learned a thing. The Michigan National Committeeman who gets to work on the GOP national...
Michigan Senate Republicans have passed a bullying bill — not an anti-bullying bill — that actually gives license to bully. In an Orwellian twist, the bill,...
The Campaign for Michigan Families, an anti-gay, “pro-family” political action committee, over the weekend released a hate-filled spew upon Michigan voters, calling a Democratic candidate for...
Editor’s note: This list continues to grow and is now at 27. Twenty-seven LGBT organizations have just issued the following joint statement on this morning’s shooting...