The anti-LGBTQ group Focus on the Family has landed its Colorado Springs-based headquarters in the #10 spot among Colorado’s top 20 COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak hotspots. The...
James Dobson Founded Both Focus On The Family and Family Research Council
Listen as one of the founding fathers on the religious right's anti-gay movement embarrassingly reveals he doesn't even know what he's been fighting.
Dr. James Dobson, a veteran anti-gay activist, thinks if marriage equality becomes the law nationwide, the U.S. will devolve into a civil war.
Focus on the Family, the not-a-hate-group founded by iconic religious right veteran and evangelical Christian James Dobson, last night tweeted to its followers a “how to”...
Focus on the Family‘s President Jim Daly says Chick-Fil-A “have in no way deviated from that deeply held and biblically inspired passion,” and are still funding anti-gay organizations. Focus...
Bill Maher last night called the Christian religious right anti-gay organization Focus on the Family, “grifters.” Maher says Focus on the Family is “an anti-gay lobbying...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};James Dobson, founder of the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family, is blaming America’s support for same-sex marriage for Friday’s tragic shooting...
Senator Al Franken today during the DOMA repeal debate in the Senate clearly had done his homework, and destroyed the testimony and credibility of Tom Minnery...
Focus on the Family attempted to peddle false testimony today in a Senate hearing on repealing DOMA, but Al Franken caught them — caught Tom Minnery...
Focus on the Family’s Tom Minnery delivered false testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee today, as he attempted to peddle a false definition of the term...
Focus on the Family, the anti-gay, almost-hate group, today was forced to admit in the Senate debate to repeal DOMA, the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act, that DOMA...
Last month I wrote, “Bullying Is So Gay,” about Focus on the Family’s pro-bullying website, which claims school anti-bullying programs that advocate tolerance are part of...
On Tuesday I wrote, “Bullying Is So Gay.” Last night, on CNN’s AC360, Anderson Cooper featured Candi Cushman (Focus On The Family), Eliza Byard (Gay, Lesbian...
It must be Christmas! A Twitter friend and blogger over at Queer Unity shared with me this survey created by one of the most radically-right wing...