Keith Ablow, FOX News’ pop-psychiatrist who all-too-often violates medical standards, writes that Hilary Rosen is uncomfortable letting a man be comfortable as a man, and that’s...
Hilary Rosen is the latest victim of strange attacks by the Catholic Church and Catholic groups on adoption. Rosen, a Democratic strategist and a lesbian currently...
Last night, Rachel Maddow delivered an excellent report detailing how the GOP has stumbled in claiming it’s not waging a war on women, when even some...
Hilary Rosen has apologized to Ann Romney for saying that she “has never worked a day in her life,” even though the sentence directly after the...
'Unhinged and Disgraceful'
Is Pat McCrory Feeling the Heat?
Jeb! Bush, polling in single digits and slashing staff, tries to rescue his flailing campaign.
Bill Donohue, president of the virulently anti-gay Catholic League, has little — or, from his way of thinking, too much — faith in the American people,...
President Barack Obama today weighed in on the Hilary Rosen – Ann Romney faux feud, and said, “there is no tougher job than being a mom.”...
Today British MPs (members of Parliament) released a lengthy 125-page report that states News Corp.’s Chairman, Rupert Murdoch — the man who owns Fox News here...
Dr. Keith Ablow is worried that gay bullies will now attack him for penning a column today that supports an already debunked, flawed research paper which...
Mitt Romney begged NRA board member and aging rocker Ted Nugent for his endorsement last month, and the brash, verbally-violent sometimes Washington Times columnist even bragged about it. But...
Catholic League president Bill Donohue told reporters he won’t be attending the Saturday wedding of New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, because  it’s not a...
Mitt Romney in January at a campaign event said that mothers on welfare with children older than two should be forced to get a job outside...