Arpaio Ties Himself to Trump
'Please Please Whatever You Do Don't Suggest Arpaio Is a Racist Thug. It Hurts Him. It Really Hurts'
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Last night, following his pardon, Donald Trump boasted that Arpaio "kept Arizona safe," labeling him an "American patriot." The local outlet chronicled his record and so-called...
Under the cover of a hurricane and from the safety of Camp David, the Trump administration announced that the president had issued his first pardon: to...
Arpaio a Hero to Neo-Nazis
Federal Judge Refers 'America's Toughest Sheriff' for Prosecution in Racial Profiling Case
Arizona Law Enforcement Officer And Devoted Birther Appears On Stage With GOP Frontrunner
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, under federal investigation, has just released the “findings” of his six-month long “five-page investigation” into President Barack Obama‘s birth certificate, announcing he...
Michele Bachmann met with Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Wednesday, and tried but failed to get an endorsement from “America’s Sheriff,” saying, to no response from...
Would Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann choose Arizona’s (in)famous Sheriff Joe Arpaio as her Attorney General if elected? Bachmann met with Arpaio yesterday (photo, above,) to “discuss...
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has engaged in unconstitutional civil rights violations, racial profiling, bias, and other offenses, according to a three-year study just released by the...
A mystery speaker had been floated for weeks ahead of AFPAC, the white nationalist conference held in Orlando, Florida, just 10 miles down the street from...
A right-wing Claremont Institute is undermining law and order and encouraging secession one county at a time. The think tank, where coup memo author John Eastman...
Certainly, “banana republic” are strong words, but in Trump’s case, they are appropriate.