'Beatings and Bondage'
Fox News contributor Dr. Keith Ablow is calling for an "American jihad" to impose our Constitution and values, like "freedom," upon the rest of the world.
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Dr. Keith Ablow this week is continuing his attacks on transgender people. The Fox News “Medical A-Team” columnist and on-air pundit in the...
Dr. Keith Ablow, the extremely homophobic and transphobic Fox News psychiatrist, has just announced he will enter the race for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by...
Anderson Cooper came out today. Smart he did it on a Monday, not a Friday, so we have the week to talk about it. McKay Coppins at...
Dr. Keith Ablow and Tony Perkins discussed President Obama‘s support for same-sex marriage, the institution of marriage, and adoption of children by same-sex couples as they...
Dr. Keith Ablow is worried that gay bullies will now attack him for penning a column today that supports an already debunked, flawed research paper which...
Doctor Keith Ablow has declared war on the international, Italy-based clothier Benetton, and demands you do so too. The 46-year old company just unveiled its latest...
Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly today skewered fellow Fox News employee Dr. Keith Ablow for his attacks on Chaz Bono and his upcoming appearances on “Dancing...
Chaz Bono does not have a civil right to be transgender, suggests Fox News pundit Dr. Keith Ablow, discussing his recent column, “Don’t Let Your Kids...
I advise parents to not allow their children to read Dr. Keith Ablow’s Fox News piece titled, “Don’t Let Your Kids Watch Chaz Bono On ‘Dancing With...
Dr. Keith Ablow, who wrote a nasty, un-scientific column titled, “Don’t Let Your Kids Watch Chaz Bono On ‘Dancing With the Stars’,” warning parents about Chaz...
Fox News contributor Dr. Keith Ablow on the Fox News website today, in “Environment, Not Just Genetics, Determines Sexual Orientation,” likened pedophilia with sexual orientation. Pedophilia...
Dr, Keith Ablow has penned what may be his most despicable column yet.
Dr. Keith Ablow believes his psychiatric training offers him unique legal insight into Michael Brown's stepfather's state of mind - and a unique application of the...