Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow at the Family Research Council, speaking with FRC President Tony Perkins, painted President Obama as a communist “dead set†on “destroying families.†The...
Americans woke up last Wednesday morning to a new reality: Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark legislation granting a woman a right to an abortion, was...
A Who's Who of Anti-LGBTQ Extremists
Twitter Busts Out in Mockery With #WeMayNeverKnow Tweets
'The Language Is Very, Very Strong'
Author Is Former Anti-LGBT Hate Group Attorney
Trump Will Be as Detached and Disaffected as Reagan, Leaving Policy to His Anti-LGBT, Anti-Women, Anti-Immigrant White Nationalist Team
Here's How The Incoming Administration Could Erode Our Gains
Called 2014 Killing Spree 'Attack on Natural Marriage'
GOP Presidential Candidate Recruits Well-Known Anti-Gay Activists To Reverse The Supreme Court's Marriage Equality Ruling
A Family Research Council spokesperson says Christians must respond to a Supreme Court ruling favoring same-sex marriage just as they would have to the Civil War,...
An anti-gay hate group is pushing (read: lying about) their unique (BS) hypothesis as the reason for a racist chant at OU.
Family Research Council senior fellow and spokesperson Ken Blackwell yesterday managed to link the weekend killing spree in Isla Vista/Santa Barbara to same-sex marriage
The Family Research Council (FRC), hosts of the Values Voters Summit, currently underway, today offered a “prayer” to make illegal homosexuality and same-sex marriage, which they label as...
A racist ad by a Tea Party PAC is using last month’s “Obama phone” video as an attack against President Obama, suggesting he has “enslaved” Americans....