Religion-Based Law Would Allow Discrimination Against LGBT People, Especially Same-Sex Couples, and Any Person Who Has Had Sex Outside of Marriage
'They Don't Know That if It Takes Crucifixion, We Will Stand in Line Before Abandoning Our Faith and Our Belief in Our Savior Jesus Christ'
Democratic Lawmaker of 31 Years Calls HB 1523 'The Most Hateful Bill That I've Seen in My Career in the Legislature'
In January 2018, Right Wing Watch broke the story that lawyers for religious-right legal giant Alliance Defending Freedom bragged at an anti-choice conference that the 15-week abortion ban that had been...
On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee conducted a hearing of Cory Wilson, an anti-LGBTQ Mississippi judge nominated by President Donald Trump to have a lifetime appointment...
Cochran Retires at 80
One of America's Most Dangerous Anti-LGBT Laws
Allows Nearly Anyone to Discriminate Based on Their Closely Held Religious Beliefs
'State-Sanctioned Discrimination'
Judge Warns Governor on Anti-Gay Animus
A Courageous Defender of the Rule of Law in a State that Continues to be Plagued by its Ugly Past
Judge Stops Law Minutes Before It Would Gave Gone Into Effect
Huge, Potentially Precedent-Setting Decision
MSNBC Should Be Ashamed for Giving a Platform to an Anti-LGBT Hate Group Leader
Why Hasn't the GOP Governor Weighed in - Aside From a Tweet?