New York’s Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, who worked both sides of the aisle to get his same-sex marriage bill passed last year, today sent the only...
No sooner had marriage equality been voted into law in New York on June 24, 2011, than the evil anti-gay-rights bigots of the National Organization for...
UPDATE: Wednesday 3:00 PM – The GOP is taking up discussion in a closed caucus again Thursday, so keep calling, and please share this with all...
Will New York’s same-sex marriage bill get a an up-or-down vote? New York State Senate Republicans spent four hours in a closed-door session Wednesday discussing whether...
NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, promised to spend $1.5 million fighting the passage of same-sex marriage equality in New York, then changed that to a...
New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz, the only Democrat to vote against Governor Cuomo’s same-sex marriage bill passed and signed into law last month,...
One week after Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos said Governor Andrew Cuomo’s same-sex marriage equality bill would have been voted on, and one more day of...
Today’s gay marriage debate in New Jersey may be taking center stage, but the fallout from last Wednesday’s same sex marriage bill defeat is landing squarely...
The New York State Senate just voted against offering full marriage equality to millions of New Yorkers. There were 38 “nays” and 24 “yeas.” Thank the...