Former Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett took on former Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus Wednesday morning. Priebus, now a CBS News political analyst, spoke for...
ABC "never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize," President Donald J. Trump says. Jarrett: “The justice department has no choice but to defend the laws that are on the books.” I’m sorry, but that is a lie in...
Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy indirectly blamed First Lady Jill Biden for the chaos in Afghanistan following the U.S. military’s withdrawal. “When you look at what’s...
'You Want to Uphold American Values? Start at the First Amendment'
The White House said Trump would not denounce Roseanne Barr's vile attacks because he is "the president of all Americans."
"You and ABC have offended millions of people, and they demand a response."
Barr appears to be claiming she wasn't fired, that she quit because ABC was censoring her. And more...
Are they really this ignorant?
'Abhorrent, Repugnant and Inconsistent With Our Values'
Barr Falsely Claims 'George Soros Is a Nazi Who Turned in His Fellow Jews'
Roseanne Barr Goes on Racist Twitter Rant
Rapp Says He Was 14 Years Old When 26-Year Old Spacey Made Sexual Advance
Conway Tries to Play the Victim