Victoria Jackson, the very-former Saturday Night Live comedian who disappeared for decades before re-emerging as a Tea Party wingnut, now has yet another new YouTube-based show,...
Michelangelo Signorile, the veteran journalist who hosts an LGBT radio show, interviewed former SNL actress and Tea Party activist Victoria Jackson, who — in her typical...
Tea Party wing nut and former SNL star Victoria Jackson interviews Joe The Plumber, who is running for Congress. In the video, Joe The Plumber, aka...
Victoria Jackson, the former Saturday Night Live star whom all of America thought was just portraying stupid characters, ever since joining the Tea Party has made...
Tea Party spokesbigot Victoria Jackson drove down to New York City to interview the Occupy Wall Street protestors and to “introduce them to Jesus Christ,” but...
Tea Party wingnut and Saturday Night Live alum Victoria Jackson took a Tea Party cruise to Alaska with all her buddies from World Net Daily, and filed...
Bradlee Dean apparently has a new lawyer, the Liberty Counsel, and they’re demanding a Florida high school allow Dean and his anti-gay hate group be allowed...
In our exclusive interview, Del Shores, of “Sordid Lives” and “Queer as Folk” fame, tells guest author Jeremy Stubbs he’s endorsing President Obama: “I’ve got his back.” Del...
➤Mark Regnerus (image, right,) author of the flawed anti-gay parenting “study,” is “sad” that his own university has opened an inquiry into his infamous “study,” thanks to New...
Michele Bachmann, dissatisfied with her diminishing role in national politics, sat down in an interview with Victoria Jackson‘s “Politichicks” and said, “We’re becoming a dictatorship,” adding,...
Lambda Legal just released this video that follows the (sorry, but,) stupid “Shit [fill in the blank] People Say” meme, “Sh*t Homophobic People Say.” As you know,...
Former “Growing Pains” teen star Kirk Cameron told CNN’s Piers Morgan Friday that homosexuality “is destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization,” and added...
Editor’s note: For an update and additional footage of this incident, see: “Occupy Wall Street: NYPD Beats, Hospitalizes, Arrests Man Whose Foot Became Lodged Under Police...