The Westboro Baptist Church showed up and picketed Kim Davis Monday morning.
The infamous Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing Kim Davis on Monday, with a strong - and surprising - message.
Members of the Westboro Baptist Church are run out of town after a failed attempt to protest a transgender student winning the title of Homecoming Queen.
Harry Potter author and frequent Twitter superstar J.K. Rowling took time out to blast the very anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church.
A federal judge has yet again slapped down the Westboro Baptist Church, which is trying to "defend" a ban on same-sex marriage.
A federal judge has slapped down the Westboro Baptist Church's request to intervene in a Kansas same-sex marriage case. The WBC is appealing.
The Westboro Baptist Church is seeking to intervene in a federal court case that will decide on same-sex marriage in Kansas.
The Westboro Baptist Church has just announced it will travel to Ferguson, Missouri to picket the funeral of Michael Brown on Monday.
The Westboro Baptist Church thought Moore, Oklahoma would be a good place to spread their messages of hate yesterday, but they were wrong. Residents of the...
Fred Phelps has died. The 84-year old founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, which marketed itself as “God Hates Fags,” was reportedly excommunicated by his own...
Fred Phelps, reportedly on his deathbed, likely won’t have a funeral for anyone to protest. The founder of “God Hates Fags,” aka the Westboro Baptist Church —...
Lauren Drain, a member of the Westboro Baptist Church, aka “God Hates Fags,” has quit the anti-gay hate group and posed for this image which NoH8...
The Westboro Baptist Church vowed to protest today’s funeral of Boston Marathon Bombing victim Krystle Campbell, so hundreds of members of the Teamsters Union showed up...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Firefighters from Newtown, Connecticut, and elsewhere, have formed a human shield to block the promised picket by the Westboro Baptist Church, who...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The Westboro Baptist Church is claiming “God sent the shooter” to Newtown, Connecticut for their support of gay people and same-sex marriage...