Ann Romney claims that four years ago women were less concerned about the economy than they are today, despite the fact that the worldwide financial collapse...
Ann Romney was quoted by Mitt Romney mega-donor Lyn Paulsin as saying, “My horse [Rafalca] has more style and more class in its hoof than they [the Democrats] do in...
Ann Romney, in a Meet The Press interview — rare for a candidate and their spouse to appear together — took that opportunity and severely damaged her husband’s...
Ann Romney today on ABC’s “The View” said that her husband Mitt Romney serving as a Mormon missionary in Paris, France, in the late 1960’s was...
Ann Romney was asked today if “a lesbian mother should be allowed to marry her partner?,” and outright refused to offer any answer, instead calling marriage...
Saying that she’s confident in his ability, Ann Romney expressed concern for her husband Mitt’s “mental well-being” if he wins the presidential election in November. Romney told...
Ann Romney recorded a totally puff-piece video interview which was uploaded to YouTube by the campaign — then removed, according to Buzzfeed: The saddest rapid response… The...
UPDATE: Despite her name appearing as a speaker on Friday just before 12:15 PM at the Values Voters Summit, as the screenshot above, shows, the Romney...
Hilary Rosen has apologized to Ann Romney for saying that she “has never worked a day in her life,” even though the sentence directly after the...
The Question Is, Which Mitt?
Romney Likely Would Be Thorn in Trump's Side
Bannon Accuses Romney of Hiding Behind His Religion
Lindsay Lohan is not registered to vote but she has just announced that she will be voting for Mitt Romney because “It’s a long story.” Lohan,...
Mitt Romney reportedly will announce his pick to be his vice presidential running mate Saturday morning, sometime around 8:45 AM. Romney will be speaking as he...
Mock Mitt Romney-Donald Trump and mock Sarah Palin-Michele Bachmann same-sex “wedding” images were to be featured by BeautifulPeople, a dating site claiming it was going to launch a...