Is Bristol Palin about to lose her son Tripp to the boy’s father, Levi Johnston? Bristol Palin, whose relationship with Levi Johnston has been on-again, off-again...
Bristol Palin‘s latest blog entry claims there is a Christians vs. gay people debate, and that she is the tolerant one, despite being the one who...
Bristol Palin now claims her three-year old son Tripp said the “F” word, but not that “F” word. The unwed mother and abstinence-only advocate says that Tripp...
When people feel the need to state explicitly how “tolerant†they are, it’s usually a sign that something is amiss. Such is the case with Bristol...
It wasn’t hard to tell what direction things would take after Bristol Palin‘s recent statements about President Obama and his newfound support for gay marriage. Where...
New York Times columnist Frank Bruni today, in “The Right’s Righteous Frauds,” takes on Bristol Palin and other radical right wing hypocrites who have decided “personal...
Elisabeth Hasselbeck today on “The View” slammed Bristol Palin for the comments the GOP Vice Presidential candidate’s daughter and unwed mother made last week criticizing President...
Married 31 years.
Seriously, Sarah Palin just blamed liberals for making Christian conservative's outrage "look ridiculous."
Sarah Palin has unleashed what very well may be her most unhinged, fact-less, conservative bubble rant in years.
Sarah Palin is venting her unbridled rage about President Barack Obama by turning to the radical religious right’s man at Fox News, Todd Starnes. The Fox News...
Editor’s note: See our update: Bristol Palin: My Son Tripp Said The ‘F’ Word — But Not That ‘F’ Word On a recent episode of the Lifetime...
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, co-star of ABC’s “The View” was attacked this week by traditional marriage advocates who called her a “bitch,” a “dim bulb,” a “harlot,” “All...
Betty White calls Sarah Palin a “crazy bitch” while posing as a McCain speechwriter on the “Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson” in this video from...
Essayist Joseph Epstein has recently expressed the fear that "Noted Homophobe" will be carved on his gravestone. The fear is not without justification.