Proving there is no distance too far the right will go to attack Obama, gay conservative Kevin DuJan claims that President Barack Obama is gay and...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Nate Silver is gay, in case you didn’t know. Until yesterday, practically no one did. Silver is the incredibly accurate statistician who gave...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Dean Chambers, the man who created “Unskewed Polls” to “right” all the other pre-election polls that “wrongly” showed President Obama winning re-election, now...
This story was originally published by ProPublica. ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this...
U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, calling the California Democratic leader who’s been elected to Congress 18 times “mentally ill.”...
In 2012, New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie vetoed a same-sex marriage bill that had passed both chambers of the state legislature. A focused and well...