New York Times columnist Frank Bruni today, in “The Right’s Righteous Frauds,” takes on Bristol Palin and other radical right wing hypocrites who have decided “personal...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; In “Dear President Clinton,” New York Times’ op-ed writer Frank Bruni aptly asks today, “Where’s your apology for signing the Defense of...
Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison blasted the Republican Party Wednesday morning, serving up a plate of truth to the far right, and slamming an outspoken...
Cotton Filibustered an Obama Nominee Who Literally Died Waiting Over Two Years to Be Confirmed
'A Way to Inflict Special Pain on the President'
The New York Times' conservative columnist, Ross Douthat, spoke last week at a fundraiser for one of America's most anti-gay groups. Many in the LGBT community...
Kevin McClatchy, who for almost a dozen years was the owner and CEO of the Pittsburgh Pirates, has just come out as gay, and says that...
Bristol Palin‘s latest blog entry claims there is a Christians vs. gay people debate, and that she is the tolerant one, despite being the one who...
Cynthia Nixon, the Sex and the City star who for the past two weeks has made headlines for claiming that being gay was a choice, has...
The New York Times promotes diversity and its own credibility by promoting three employees to senior-level editorial positions, including a woman to position of executive editor,...
Julian Bond, the former chairman of the NAACP, and the first president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, supports same-sex marriage equality, as he discusses in this...
Scott Rose explores the anti-gay biased  decision by NY Judge Robert B. Wiggins which allows a challenge against New York State’s gay marriage law to go...
Is Bristol Palin about to lose her son Tripp to the boy’s father, Levi Johnston? Bristol Palin, whose relationship with Levi Johnston has been on-again, off-again...