Vice President Mike Pence visited the renowned Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, but as video shows he refused to wear a face mask, which the CDC has...
"Hillary would be leading instead of tweeting right now."
Many found it odd, since Melania Trump is the mother of their child, 12-year old Barron.
Bannon, in the Dog House and Desperate to Recover, Says His Support for Trump Is 'Unwavering'
Same-Sex Marriage Icon and Inspiration Whose Supreme Court Case Paved Road for Marriage Equality
'Stay Tuned to Survivor DC Edition'
Twitter Busts Out in Mockery With #WeMayNeverKnow Tweets
Spicer Is Getting Promoted?
Confirmation Hangs by One Thread
"A Toddler's Morning Temper Tantrum," One User Responds
Role Presents Yet Another Apparent Conflict of Interest for President-Elect
President-Elect Again Goes After New York Times
'If Only Women Voted'
Texas Tea Party Republican Senator Badly Beaten by Manhattan Billionaire
HB 1523 Writes Discrimination Into Law, Is Unconstitutional