var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Catholics United today is protesting at the Knights of Columbus offices and handing the KoC 5000 signed petitions demanding they stop funding anti-gay hate. Since...
The Knights of Columbus has spent $15.8 million since 2005 fighting same-sex marriage equality, according to a study by Equally Blessed, a “a coalition of four Catholic...
NOM, having exhausted nearly all legal options, has finally filed its list of donors whose contributions helped the anti-gay group fight a 2009 same-sex marriage campaign...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage has published a full page ad in a Rhode Island newspaper, and has been widely distributing through the U.S. Postal...
In this exclusive op-ed, top National Organization For Marriage watchdog Fred Karger explores and explains who’s funding NOM’s anti-gay campaign “to demonize the LGBT community and...
Governor Lincoln Chafee says he will sign Rhode Island‘s marriage equality bill into law at 5:45 PM EDT on Thursday. The House will vote and is...
Maggie Gallagher at 3:00 AM today announced that the “Obama electorate defeated marriage.” Gallagher, co-founder of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and all her right wing...
Pope Benedict XVI today in a Christmas address to the College of Cardinals unleashed an unhinged assault on all gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, and gay...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Opponents of same-sex marriage spent at least $11.3 million to fight ballot measures on LGBT equality in four states this year, and...
On August 9, 2012, the Austin American-Statesman published a story titled: “Flap over study on gay parenting raises questions about private funding for research.” The story...
(And by “stole,” well, I’m sure they didn’t really…Did they?) NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, has a long and sordid history of taking wht’s not...
HRC Freedom to Marry Letter to Cardinal Dolan Two of the top LGBT organizations have sent a letter to Cardinal Timothy Dolan, head of the...
Recognizing that “in New York, many individuals who currently seek to exercise the freedom to marry their partners may not do so solely because they are...
The same-sex marriage equality battle in New York is taking place in Albany, the state capitol, and in New York City, home to Mayor Michael Bloomberg....
New Yorkers frustrated at the impasse the same-sex marriage bill has met tonight are holding an impromptu rally in front of the historic Stonewall Inn, the...