Evangelical Christian Kirk Cameron is using anti-gay marriage organizations like the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, and now, NOM’s Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance — headed by National...
The spokesperson for the National Organization For Marriage‘s Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance says President Obama is a “terrorist.” Damian Goddard, a Canadian whose claim to victim status — he...
NOM’s latest fundraising enterprise, the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, just emailed supporters, asking for money, claiming “We must debunk the myth that the same-sex marriage movement is...
Maggie Gallagher, former Chairman of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, says that if gay marriage becomes the law of the land it will make any anti-gay...
35 major organizations, from the AFL-CIO to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, from  HRC and GLAAD to the ACLU and the National Center for Lesbian Rights,...
Maggie Gallagher, the co-founder of NOM, the anti-gay legal boundaries-pushing National Organization For Marriage, who stepped down yesterday as Chairman of the Board, today has announced...
NOM’s Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance just released a new video featuring a school teacher — from Canada — who is warning Americans they too will see what...
Dakota Ary is the high school student whose anti-gay beliefs he calls “Christian.” He and his mother, Holly Pope, are determined to get as much attention...
GLAAD has responded to the National Organization For Marriage‘s latest video starring Christian Evangelist Kirk Cameron, who pushes his theocratic traditional marriage views and merchandise, by calling...
Christian Evangelist Kirk Cameron has just come out to (of course) defend Congressman Todd Akin merely a “pro-life advocate” who’s “in a tough spot.†Cameron is excusing...
Howell, Michigan public high school student Daniel Glowacki gained notoriety when he disrupted teacher Jay McDowell’s Spirit Day presentation with anti-gay hate speech. In a new anti-gay...
Maggie Gallagher is using GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum to beef up her new venture, by asking email list recipients (apparently, including me!) to “Thank Rick Santorum...
Seth Marnin is the Assistant Legal Director at the Anti-Defamation League who articulates the whip saw like politics present in America today I cannot escape feeling...
Christian Evangelist Kirk Cameron on Sunday at a prayerfest attacked Democrats by claiming, falsely, that, “according to our forefathers, God is the platform.” Cameron, who appeared with...