The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is calling comments made by Peter LaBarbera and Judith Reisman “deeply offensive” because they “trivialize and distort the history and meaning of...
In a recent post on his website Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera criticizes so-called “pro-family leaders” for focusing on issues such as...
“This is what’s going to happen all across the country the more homosexuality is promoted by the armed services,” predicts Peter LaBarbera, founder and president of Americans...
Andrew Breitbart, the right wing extremist posing as a media mogul, actually got someone fired who deserved it. Instead of Shirley Sherrod or hundreds of thousands...
“Good even’g its 5/19/11: Can the #media report fairly on *morality* when it has so much investd in promot’g amorality (& immorality)?,” tweeted Peter LaBarbera Thursdsay night, in...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Peter LaBarbera for some strange reason was invited on Alan Colmes’ show yesterday, and offered this so very ugly opinion: kids are better...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; After calling Robin Roberts‘Â coming out — and that of all people — a “tragedy,” anti-gay hate group head Peter LaBarbera took a...
Peter LaBarbera is claiming that gays, or, as he calls them, “homosexual activists,” are are “doing to Christians” what the “Nazis used to do to the...
NBC’s new TV show, “The New Normal,” which premieres tonight, is making hate group head Peter LaBarbera “depressed,” as he laments that Hollywood has yet to have...
Calling homosexuality a “perversion,” and “sinful, destructive and changeable,” Peter LaBarbera (image, left) today suggests that the victims of Jerry Sandusky will grow up thinking they’re gay, despite any...
“Homo-fascism†and “homo-communism†are all part of “Satan’s plan,†says Peter LaBarbera, the head of the SPLC-certified hate group, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality. LaBarbera warns that...
Peter LaBarbera, the head of the one-man show called Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) — which provides very little, if any, by the way —...
Implications of Justice Thomas Leaving Supreme Court Are Huge
Dr. James Dobson, a veteran anti-gay activist, thinks if marriage equality becomes the law nationwide, the U.S. will devolve into a civil war.
An FDA Committee today will consider softening the nation's ban on gay men giving blood. But is it enough?