Why did New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz, Sr. falsify New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan’s article on marriage to attack the gay community? Guest...
New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz, the only Democrat to vote against Governor Cuomo’s same-sex marriage bill that was signed into law last month,...
New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz was quoted in the Wall Street Journal by the AP on Monday, as we reported, now twice, saying that marriage equality...
New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz was quoted in the Wall Street Journal by the AP on Monday, as we reported, saying that marriage...
Victim Or Victimizer? Friend or foe? Hard at work painting itself as the victim in a public debate on marriage equality, The New York State Catholic Conference,...
Heckled, Cruz Was Called 'Hypocrite,' 'Misogynistic, Homophobic, and Racist'
Each year NOM president Brian Brown inflates attendance numbers at his annual anti-gay hate rally, but now he's really gotten caught.
The son of New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz, Sr. today announced his support for same sex marriage. Rubén DÃaz, Jr. son of Rubén...
In a hotly-fought battle by everyone — except the actual candidates — Jewish Democrat Assemblyman David Weprin lost to Roman Catholic retired media executive Robert Turner in a...
Sunday, the first day marriage equality was legal in New York, the National Organization for Marriage, under the shroud of a “Let the people vote” on...
“A leading opponent of gay marriage in New York’s Senate doesn’t know how his colleagues will vote but says same sex marriage is inevitable at some...
New Balance Chairman Jim Davis has sparked outrage with his half-million dollar donation to Mitt Romney, an anti-gay Republican presidential candidate. Journalist Scott Rose explains why...
Maggie Gallagher, Chuck Grassley, heck, maybe all conservatives (including Sarah Palin!)Â and anti-equality fear-mongers need to actually read the First Amendment. I’m sure if you’re reading this,...
On Sunday, July 24, same-sex marriage becomes legal in New York. Here’s a list of where and when you can register for a license, marry, protest...
Is New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz a Christian victim? In an attempt to defend his vote against New York’s same-sex marriage bill that passed...