var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Last week feminist activist and social justice attorney Sandra Fluke acknowledged she was considering a run for Congress. The 32-year old made...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Congresswoman Sandra Fluke? The former Georgetown University Law student who made a name for herself by standing up for women’s rights —...
Sandra Fluke, who came to prominence this spring during the contraception debate,, delivered an amazing and pointed speech tonight, asking if Americans want “an America in...
Sandra Fluke today appeared on The View and rebuked the “apology” Rush Limbaugh released on Saturday, adding that she preferred that the conservative radio talk show...
Is this the most disgusting cartoon, or political commentary, related to Rush Limbaugh‘s attack on Sandra Fluke? Syndicated political cartoonist Mike Lester published this “cartoon” of...
Rush Limbaugh, the far right wing radio host, hate and grievance purveyor whose lies and attacks on LGBTQ people, Black, Hispanic, and other people of color,...
Europe Is Not Burning Either
"Are we beyond those days where a woman can behave as a slut, but you can’t call her a slut?"
Let's be really clear about what happened on Election Day.
One of Missouri's top two newspapers is being criticized for publishing a blatantly racist editorial cartoon about the demonstrations in Ferguson, where a police officer shot...
Conservative firebrands Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are getting the boot from the nation’s second-largest radio network. Cumulus Media has decided to not renew the contracts of...
Christine Quinn was supposed to be New York City’s first woman mayor, and first gay or lesbian mayor. Now, it’s all but certain Bill de Blasio...
Rush Limbaugh today strongly suggested that (what he claims is) President Obama‘s “constant warfare on bosses and so forth might have led this guy to pull...
Rush Limbaugh today was mocking President Obama, calling him a “joke,” “not authentically black,” saying “he doesn’t have slave blood,” and using a thug-like voice to impersonate...
Broadway stars and musical theatre performers got together to create the Obama re-election ad by turning Les Misérables’ “One Day More” into “One Term More.” The...