FBI agents on Wednesday shot and killed a Utah man they were investigating for allegedly making death threats against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala...
Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) has introduced a bill that would redefine the federal definition of “obscenity” in order to target anyone who makes or transmits sexual...
Chaos has erupted in an election for Utah County Attorney after incumbent David Leavitt was forced to deny QAnon-style claims that he and his wife engaged...
Second-generation New York real estate heir Donald Trump, Jr. is caught up in yet another hunting scandal. Utah hunting guide Wade Lemon is facing five years...
Utah’s hydroxychloroquine-pushing right wing Republican Senate President opened the chamber’s 2022 session Tuesday by announcing he had just tested positive for COVID – twice. He then...
When President Donald Trump was voted out of office in the 2020 election, one of the top reasons why millions of U.S. residents voted to replace...
"They said this woman is never going to teach in this school ever again."
Youth Raised in Conservative Environments More Likely to Attempt Suicide
The Question Is, Which Mitt?
'His Utter Lack of Integrity That Rises From His Unquenchable Thirst for Power' Paper Says
"One must live in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not the Gospel of the Devil," Jason Christensen wrote.
State's Youth Suicide Rate Has Nearly Tripled Since 2007, But Health Officials Refuse to Acknowledge Impact of Anti-Gay Religious Teachings
'I'm here because those 49 people were gay. I'm here because it shouldn't matter. But I'm here because it does.'
Democratic Sen. Jim Dabakis Stages 'Mini-Filibuster' Against Proposal From Anti-LGBT GOP Rep. Lavar Christensen
Senator Wins Democratic Caucuses Amid Huge Turnout