Aidy Bryant's Sarah Huckabee Sanders returned to "Saturday Night Live" to reintroduce "Dr. Ronny Jackson," who announced Tuesday that he had "absolutely no concerns" about Donald...
Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump returned to "Saturday Night Live" to trim the Christmas tree of shame with the ornaments of "all the haters and losers [he]...
Saturday Night Live's Donald Trump returned last night, with Alec Baldwin's award-winning portrayal visiting Paul Manafort.
Aidy Bryant's Sarah Huckabee Sanders returned to "Saturday Night Live" last night to present reporters with riddles, duck questions and channel Demi Lovato in a parody...
Is Your State One of Them?
'They Don't Know That if It Takes Crucifixion, We Will Stand in Line Before Abandoning Our Faith and Our Belief in Our Savior Jesus Christ'
Religious and Hate Groups Offer Praise to Mississippi Governor, But Vast Majority Oppose Move
A popular new book by an anti-gay Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation is making headlines and causing controversy. Conservatives from Pastor Rick Warren to...
Mississippi Republican Governor Phil Bryant today said “There is no one who doesn’t have health care in America.” Bryant, who has also bragged about trying to...
Minnesota For Marriage, the anti-gay marriage group which is currently losing the race to write discrimination into their state constitution, stands accused of using paid National...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is funding the anti-gay marriage attacks by Minnesota For Marriage, which just released a video suggesting that “redefining marriage,” i.e., the...
Buzzfeed’s Chris Geidner posted an excellent and detailed piece, “14 Races LGBT People Will Be Watching Closely On Tuesday,” and we’re sharing some excerpts here, along...
DOMA, the federal Defense of Marriage Act, has yet again been declared unconstitutional by a federal court, marking at least a half-dozen federal courts ruling the...
On election day four states will be voting on marriage. Three — Washington, Maine, and Maryland — will be voting on whether or not to legalize...
Minnesota For Marriage today released what can only be classified as a desperate attempt to sway voters in their losing proposition to ban same-sex marriage in...