I admit — and I know I will probably get a lot of hate mail and nasty comments about this, but — I support Ken Mehlman....
The results are in from our last poll, “Does Ken Mehlman Deserve Our Support?” The answer is, well, maybe… Unsurprisingly (?) only 20% said, “yes,” while...
Mike Rogers, the man who outed the likes of Larry Craig, reported on Jeff Gannon, and was one of the main subjects of the movie “Outrage,”...
True Story. MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews decides that former GOP chair and chief homophobe for President George W. Bush, Ken Mehlman, deserves to be toasted....
The news that former Bush/Cheney 2004 campaign manager and RNC Chair Ken Mehlman is gay and outed himself is about the biggest news with the biggest...
'Any Revelation of My Personal Views on This Matter Would Indicate to People How I Might Rule as a Judge'
The leader of a powerful and well-funded Christian group is calling on 100,000 pastors to dig up dirt on Republican candidates and staffers in an anti-gay...
You just won't believe some of the names on this list of prominent conservatives and Republicans who want same-sex couples to have the legal right to...
Former staffer Stephen Levine says at least 70 gay Republicans, most or all closeted, were in the White House working for former President George W. Bush.
58 prominent people supposedly from across varying ideologies have chosen to become the founding signatories of a letter written by an unnamed person that chastises those...
Billionaire Donald Sterling is the subject of widespread scorn, disdain, and outrage this weekend after TMZ released a nine-minute audio recording allegedly of the L.A. Clippers owner and...
Over 80 Republicans have signed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to find a constitutional right to marriage for same-sex couples. Who are these extraordinarily...
Bruce Carroll, aka @GayPatriot, earlier this year claimed he was going to be South Carolina’s next Republican U.S. Senator. Carroll, who supposedly was a co-founder of...
Guest author Frank Bua is a Board Member of the Family Equality Council  It should come as no surprise that the Supreme Court has yet to issue rulings...
When it comes to outing politicians as gay, there is no one with a better track record that Mike Rogers. Rogers, who for years ran the...