Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy At least three and possibly 12 people were killed and at least 75...
Harry Potter is teaching kids witchcraft and America now bows to a Pagan god, warns Pastor John Hagee in his TV special, (apparently not from New York,)...
A new CNN poll on abortion finds almost no change in America’s desire to remain pro-choice. The poll finds 78% of Americans want abortion to be legal...
California newly-elected anti-gay Republican Tea Party lawmaker, Assemblywoman Shannon Grove, who represents the district that Seth Walsh lived in, is attacking her LGBT constituents and SB...
Televangelist Pat Robertson’s comments about leaving a spouse who has Alzheimer’s have drawn fire from every outlet imaginable. Evangelical Christian megachurch leaders condemned Robertson’s advice to...
Would Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann choose Arizona’s (in)famous Sheriff Joe Arpaio as her Attorney General if elected? Bachmann met with Arpaio yesterday (photo, above,) to “discuss...
Gays “out baring their breasts and everything” have turned LGBT-friendly Asheville, North Carolina into a “cesspool of sin,” says Republican state Senator James Forrester, a North Carolina lawmaker who co-sponsored the...
Back in June, a woman named Janice Daniels wrote on her Facebook wall, “I think I am going to throw away my I Love New York carrying...
Bioethicists have joined together to offer a reward of $11,000 to anyone who can prove the child Michele Bachmann mentioned repeatedly on television this week actually...
Chris Matthews takes Michele Bachmann’s HPV trip as a launching point to attack anti-science, anti-evolution Republican politicians who are “asking us to give them command of...
Michele Bachmann’s parroted lies about the HPV vaccine have reminded America that Michele Bachmann is a liar. Bachmann recounting some unnamed, unidentified woman’s false claim that...
As gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans — and their news — become mainstream, will the gay news sites that have supported them be able to...
Sarah Palin snorted cocaine off an oil drum, cheated on her husband Todd with his business partner, and had a one-night stand with an NBA star...
Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly today skewered fellow Fox News employee Dr. Keith Ablow for his attacks on Chaz Bono and his upcoming appearances on “Dancing...
The woman who viciously, violently, and repeatedly beat a transgender woman into a seizure at a Baltimore McDonald’s in April has received only a five-year sentence...