DADT Repeal Compromise Moves Forward In Senate. Senate armed services committee voted minutes ago for the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ policy repeal compromise amendment to be...
According to a new Gallup survey, same-sex relationships are the number one issue dividing Republicans and Democrats/Independents. Only 35% of Republicans, compared to 61% of Democrats...
The compromise that created “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 1993 has led, seventeen years later, to a compromise promising its repeal. But the LGBT community right...
How many other issues are The American People this united on? CNN just today released a poll finding 78% of Americans, or “nearly 8 in 10...
A Quick, Personal Update. And, we’re back! Yes, I took last week off, posting just a few pieces, mostly the letters from SLDN’s servicemembers about “Don’t...
Editor’s note: This guest post by Scott Wooledge was originally published at Daily Kos Saturday and is published here with his permission. Scott writes at the...
Conservatives LOVE to play stupid word games. “Pro-life vs. Pro-choice,” for example. Now the buzz is all about how Obama is “anti-business.” Well, he’s not, but...
“Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama†is a new media campaign launched to underscore the urgent need for congressional action and presidential leadership...
I know. Seriously. At some point you have to wonder why some GOP Senators are allowed to open their mouths unscripted. Like Oklahoma’s Senator Jim Inhofe....
“Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama†is a new media campaign launched to underscore the urgent need for congressional action and presidential leadership...
Editor’s note: The author of today’s letter, David Hall, participated in a live blog chat today with Scott Wooledge (aka Clarknt67) at Daily Kos. You can... (H/T to Joe.My.God) Subscribe to The New Civil Rights Movement <!– google_ad_client = “pub-6759057198693805”; /* 468×60, created 10/21/10 */ google_ad_slot = “8507588931”; google_ad_width = 468;...
New York Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate, Democrat Andrew Cuomo, promises New York’s residents gay marriage.
Why else would he run so many spots about her being a lesbian? Sally Quinn and Dennis Miller play along. In the first spot, O’Reilly says...