President Tries, Fails to Fake It Without Being Noticed
'Even Nixon Didn’t Try to Pardon Himself'
'This Is Some Nazi Flip-the-Script Shit Going On'
It Was 'A Very Nice Letter, a Very Interesting Letter' – Admits Later He Never Opened It
'Trump Tipped Off Some Investors an Hour Before the Most Closely Held Economic Report, the Employment Report'
"Trump 'kept mentioning' arming classroom teachers."
'You Want to Uphold American Values? Start at the First Amendment'
Trump Is Sending a Strong Message to Those Who May Harm Him That He Will Pardon Them – While Attacking Jim Comey and Barack Obama
D'Souza is best known as the author of conspiracy theorist books and films that attack former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
"You literally admitted it, you deranged liar."
"You and ABC have offended millions of people, and they demand a response."
ABC "never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize," President Donald J. Trump says.
Trump Just Cannot Help Himself. It's Embarrassing.
It's doubtful any American soldier fighting for his or her country gave their life so the economy could improve.