Twitter users are sharing police bodycam footage taken during the Tuesday police shooting of Andre Hill, an unarmed 47-year-old Black man in Columbus, Ohio who was...
In a video that is quickly going viral, a sergeant with the Boston Police Department bragged to a fellow officer on body camera about “fucking hitting”...
Right now an estimated 12.6 million Americans are out of work and many more are struggling as the worsening COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered numerous businesses and...
The central African country of Cameroon is currently experiencing a four-year separatist conflict that has killed over 3,000 people and displaced half a million more with “extrajudicial...
On Friday, Attorney General William Barr directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons to execute three more death row inmates before President-elect Joe Biden takes office January...
The Trump Administration has tried to deport a 36-year-old immigrant woman named Yanira from the U.S. even though she’s a witness in the investigation of the...
A bombshell Columbia University study finds President Donald Trump is responsible for the coronavirus deaths of 130,000 to 210,000 Americans. “We believe that this was a...