Donald Trump's doctor's note certifying his state of health sounds just like a Donald Trump press relelase, and Twitter is having a great time mocking it.
In yet another indication Mike Huckabee's campaign for president is imploding, his top spokesperson just left.
Terrorism has skyrocketed to the number one issue for Republicans so much that it's now the top issue for American nationwide.
CNN has just announced who will be on the prime-time debate stage, and Mike Huckabee has been downgraded.
Will Ferrell perfectly captures former President George W. Bush, asking America if the current slate of GOP candidates "makes you miss me, doesn't it?"
The Trump Towers in the fifth-largest city in the world is looking at its legal relationship with Donald Trump after the GOP frontrunner's call to ban...
Ben Carson, who is rapidly dropping in the polls, Friday morning issued a blistering threat to the RNC.
A new poll finds fascinating dynamics between Democrats and Republicans, and even among Republicans themselves.
The nation's top white supremacist website is thrilled with the growth they're seeing, and they credit Donald Trump for it.
Opinion: Sarah Palin continues to embarrass herself, but this time she's really done it.
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, has just endorsed a Republican presidential candidate who literally has stood with a pastor who calls for the biblical killing...
The New York Daily News has moved on from its gun control focus to calling out GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.
Actor George Takei, who was in a U.S. World War II internment camp for people of Japanese descent when he was a child, offers strong condemnation...
President Barack Obama's Press Secretary has harsh words for Donald Trump, and anyone Republican politician who supports him.
Donald Trump's proposal to ban Muslims coming to America is so extreme it's received the endorsement of neo-Nazis.