Trump, who is known for criticizing Obama for not using "radical Islamic terrorism," is expected to use the term "Islamist extremism."
Worst Crisis of Trump Administration Yet
"Trump explains his favorite hobby," Twitter responded.
More Proof Trump Ignored Warnings
What Exactly Does He Do Every Day?
A Rambling Disaster, a Cornucopia of Lies
Is It Possible He Has No Idea?
What's Stunning Is the Majority Once Did
What the Heck Is This?
So Much for First Lady's Anti-Bullying Campaign
'You and Your Family Are a Laughing Stock'
"I'd Like to thank you, Donald Trump, for promoting Sexual Assault Awareness Month"
Are We Looking at a President Whose Grasp on Reality Is Slipping?
'Hear Me Now, for I Speak as an Angel in the Words of God'