'Imagine if Donald Trump Had Not Just His Twitter Account at His Disposal When He's Angry, but America's Entire Arsenal'
Republican Governor Has Been Named Possible Trump Vice Presidential Candidate
Dallas Activists Deliver Post-Memorial Day Messages
To All Who Deny Trump's a Pathological Liar, and Say, 'Prove It,' You're Welcome
You'll Never Guess Why...
Says he is "the candidate most likely to defeat Trump, and beat him badly."
Billionaire Businessman Has Few if Any Roadblocks Left to the Nomination
Could a Trump-Sanders Debate Really Happen?
GOP Presumptive Nominee Delivers Speech at Gun Group's Conference
While Refusing to Release His Tax Returns Now, There Are Some Currently Available
Trump Says Media Hasn't Investigated Hillary Clinton Enough
To All Who Deny Trump's Racism, Sexism, and Anti-Gay Positions, and Say, 'Prove It,' You're Welcome
Presumptive GOP Nominee Objects to His Own Words Being Used in Ads Against Him - Why?
'I Wrote That. I Believe That' He Confirms
Basic Expectation of All Presidential Candidates Goes Ignored