Nor Did Approval of Gorsuch to Supreme Court
Begins at 1:30 PM EDT
20 Percent of Staffers Went to the Press With Complaints
"It's time that we stop running from our heritage," Corey Stewart said.
Trump Declared April National Sexual Assault and Prevention Month
'The Strike Group Will Provide a Show of Presence in the Region'
'It's What They Teach You on Day 1 at Trump Military College'
'President Trump, the victims of the chemical attacks are the same people you are rejecting."
"The role of the press is to ask hard questions."
"Securing a 'Political Win' Was More Important Than Safeguarding the Rights of Millions of Americans"
Twitter Has Lots of Reactions
'I Love a Gunfight'
'He Was Just Another Deep State/Neo-Con Puppet'
'Assad Choked Out the Lives of Helpless Men, Women and Children'