var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Southern Poverty Law Center Adds Seven More Anti-Gay Organizations To List Of Active Hate Groups A so-called “think tank” that until very...
Bradlee Dean apparently has a new lawyer, the Liberty Counsel, and they’re demanding a Florida high school allow Dean and his anti-gay hate group be allowed...
Matt Barber has a message for LGBT teens: you are not gay. Simple, easy, just ignore the very core of  your being, just ignore who you are,...
In a shocking and revealing exposé, LGBT blogger and activist Jeremy Hooper says NOM, the National Organization For Marriage is promoting claims that gay people are...
The U.S. Supreme Court just announced it will not hear a challenge to the Affordable Care Act filed by Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University. In a shocking...
Tim Tebow is scheduled to speak at Liberty University, an evangelical Christian school founded by the man who blamed 9/11 on gays, the late Jerry Falwell....
The Family Research Council has created two new fake “ex-gay” groups to further their rabidly anti-gay agenda. In honor of this attack, they are declaring July...
The Family Research Council today published in the Dallas Morning News the above ad urging the Boy Scouts of America‘s 1400 voting members to deny the...
The number of conspiracy-fueled anti-government “patriot” groups has increased more than 900% since President Barack Obama‘s election in 2008, growing from 149 to 1360. These groups...
Scott Wooledge, a Daily Kos writer and founder of the political action graphic design studio Memeographs today posted this graphic (above) which encapsulates the “response” from...
The Religious Right took no time to attack U.S. Republican Senator Rob Portman, who announced last week his support for same-sex marriage after acknowledging his 21-year...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Friday temporarily blocked the implementation date of a California state law that prohibits so-called “ex-gay” or...
Mike Huckabee on his radio show last week told his audience and one caller in particular that the Boy Scouts‘ decision to continue its ban on...
The anti-gay positions and hate speech of America’s religious right extremists — including anti-gay groups like NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and the so-called “pro-family,” anti-gay hate groups,...
David Brody, the chief political reporter for CBN News admitted in an MSNBC “Morning Joe” discussion this morning that the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, and the...