"The unspoken rule is that the defense has to pass two legal tests: the Laugh Test and the Eye-roll Test."
"What it means to follow God has been lost in a political game that places legislative wins over moral losses."
Brzezinski gobsmacked by the investigations swirling around the president.
"Nobody is asking you to light yourself on fire and commit suicide. We are asking you to uphold the laws you swore an oath to adhere...
“I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old,” Jane Doe said in an affidavit.
"She’s going to slaughter Trump in the general."
Impeachment is barreling forward toward President Donald Trump, and it’s not clear if he has any moves left to avoid a full-on collision.
Report does not say Falwell has denied the allegations.
"Trump should be impeached and Wilbur Ross should be fired."
"In the mafia there’s a concept known as “kicking up” or “paying tribute” to the Boss - lining the Boss’s pockets to keep him happy."
This is not the first time Falwell has extended tremendous financial support to a young man he and his wife support.
Federal prosecutors in New York have quietly closed the book on their investigation into any role the Trump Organization – the umbrella organization for President Donald...
'Some of the President’s Actions Were Inherently Corrupt'
'You Can't Make This Stuff Up' Scalise Says. Actually, He Did.
"Give us some credit for knowing what the hell is going on around here."