'The World Was Gloomy Before I Won," President-Elect Claims
It Was Trump's Second Worse Comment of the Night
Clinton Also Rated More Presidential 57% to 31%
RNC Chair Repeats GOP Nominee's Thoroughly Debunked Allegation
'Says Who?'
PayPal Co-Founder, Libertarian, Endorses Donald Trump, Denounces GOP's 'Fake Culture Wars'
'This Picture Says It All!'
Senator Mitch McConnell Refuses to Call Trump's Racist Attacks Racist
Clinton Adds Significant Win on This Super Tuesday
'Best Person To Beat Hillary Clinton'
"When you decide to vote, this cause of continuing death for innocent people should be a relevant factor in your decision." - President Barack Obama
Donald Trump's attorney made threatening, inaccurate, and questionable comments regarding rape to the Daily Beast. Now he's apologizing - but not for everything he said.
A bombshell report by The Daily Beast offers a glimpse into Donald Trump's marriage to Ivana, and his bullying lawyer who reportedly threatened a journalist.
Hillary Clinton delivered a speech promising her presidency will embrace all Americans and refocus the nation on true pro-family liberal Democratic ideals, including wages, equality, and...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; On Sunday, 27-year old Daniel McClung died while trying to escape a fire in his New York City apartment building. Although the...