The National Organization For Marriage's anti-gay hate rally has just lost the man known as the "Father of Prop 8" and one of America's most ardently...
Maggie Gallagher is issuing nearly apocalyptic warnings on the eve of the Supreme Court hearing same-sex marriage cases.
In an unprecedented display of Christian hate, top anti-gay activists are joining together in a national campaign to pray the Supreme Court defeats same-sex marriage supporters.
The National Organization For Marriage has just launched a war against Indiana-based Angie's List, because it spoke out against a discriminatory anti-gay law in its home...
The National Organization For Marriage is proudly promoting its anti-gay March For Marriage, but this year's is shaping up to be a disaster.
The U.S. Supreme Court is refusing to hear NOM's appeal in a donor disclosure case.
The National Organization For Marriage's Brian Brown is demanding Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse herself from the upcoming same-sex marriage case.
One Republican U.S. Congressman has no problem peddling blatant falsehoods about same-sex marriage - ones easily disproven.
GLAAD has announced its list of 2015 Media Award nominees. Take a look at the extensive list.
The National Organization For Marriage's co-founder just co-opted a meme from the 2012 elections to express his desire for discrimination in a tweet to the Supreme...
Brian Brown last fall went to the Kremlin to praise Russia for its anti-gay "leadership," and to attack America.
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin last week slammed the chairman of NOM during a Senate hearing.
The National Organization For Marriage asked Facebook fans to write about couples who inspire them. Remember what happened when the Duggars did something similar?
The President will announce his nominee to be his fourth Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter. Watch live now.
The National Organization for Marriage ended 2013 more than $2.5 million in the red, and saw it's funding drop more than 50 percent.