var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and President George H.W. Bush Responsible For ‘Activist Judge’ Who Struck Down Kentucky Marriage Ban You can thank...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};The ‘True Civil Rights’ Movement is the movement fighting against marriage equality claims NOM President “Remember who you are. Remember our history,” bleated...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; This morning GLAAD announced their nominees for the 25th annual GLAAD Media Awards. Across 41 categories, GLAAD’s Media Awards “recognize and honor...
In a strongly-worded statement to the Delaware Senate, Brian Brown, the National Organization For Marriage (NOM) president, called the move to include Delaware’s same-sex couples in...
A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department says they “will review” a complaint lodged against National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown for his trip to...
Virulently anti-gay bishop E.W. Jackson, who is now the Tea Party Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia, self-published a book in 2008 titled Ten Commandments To...
Some conservative voices on the more radical religious right are trying to get New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to appoint National Organization For Marriage (NOM) co-founder...
Last month, President Barack Obama nominated James “Wally†Brewster, Jr. to become the ambassador to the Dominican Republic. A real estate mogul, Brewster is also National...
So much for “protecting marriage.” NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, having failed every effort to ban same-sex marriage across the U.S. over the past year,...
Thomas Peters, the Communications Director at NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and a blogger who writes as the American Papist, reportedly has been hospitalized, possibly with...
Did infamous Ender’s Game author and producer Orson Scott Card secretly quit NOM, the National Organization For Marriage? Was he asked to leave after he admitted...
The son of New York State Senator and Reverend Rubén DÃaz, Sr. today announced his support for same sex marriage. Rubén DÃaz, Jr. son of Rubén...
Delegates from the Republican Party of Virginia officially nominated an anti-gay extremist, Tea Party candidate E.W. Jackson, as their Lt. Governor nominee after four ballot votes that...
Brian Brown, president of the National Organization For Marriage, on Friday spoke with conservative talk radio host Steve Deace and announced that if gays win at...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is accused of skirting campaign finance laws, money-laundering, and being funded by literally a handful of major donors, according to...